C A M E R A   A L T E R A

   "Camera Altera" project is about the development of sensory audio-visual tool. It is a compact apparatus equipped with a camera, microphone, sensors and additional components. It is comprehensive tool that analyzes its environment and captures video and audio material in autonomous way. It is very sensitive to light, temperature, humidity, the sound, wind and relative air quality. It is able to perceive Sensitive atmosphere of the place where it is located. A number of processes and settings determines at what point and how the "Camera Altera" takes audiovisual diary entries.


   Open Source software provides continuous detection of sensors, connecting with a miniature camera and microphone. Measured values, whether of the air, the picture or the sound triggers the processes that acquire audiovisual recording of different character. "Altera Camera" is not simply a measuring device, but a sophisticated camera tool which according to the situation captures images and sounds. It reflects its immediate surroundings, and it reflects the non-linear audiovisual composition. The project has its ecological aspects. It calls for alternative ways of measuring the quality of the environment and encourages artists to comment on this issue. It also demonstrates against consumerism of technical apparatus dictating normalized function and aesthetics.


   Another part of the research focuses on the form of output. How does the data affects video and audio material? What determines how a decision based on data measurements. Transformation of the output and any feedback to improve the system. (the issue of visualization, generative forms, etc.) In the first phase, which includes test of the interface, it stays in the very basic level. According to data analysis audiovisual material is taken in more or less classical character. Only with a simple color correction and image material on differentiating extreme deflections in the vicinity. The device mainly responds to significant changes in temperature, volume, light, etc.

   The second phase will focus on more sophisticated visualization. Captured material will not only include classic camera signal with filtration. The third phase consists of the distribution and documentation. The tool will travel in a specific social network. Artists will use prototype for some time with reflection the environment and their actions in it. The tool will return with all measured data and diary entries of its hosts / users. This phase has social impacts. Linking artists experimenting with new tools, interdisciplinary collaboration and expression to environmental problems.

Pollution Data Mining

   Camera Altera's hearth is former project of Art Pollution Kit (APK - tool for measuring environment still in development together by Guy van Belle, me and Jakub Hybler) Data from the sensors mapping the light, temperature, humidity, sound, pressure, wind intensity and air quality in the area are always stored in files with time stamp and with GPS data. All measurements are archived for further analysis. The values ​​are drawn in the time of traces of pollution. Images interpret data streams determining the manner of their occurrence in time and defining their final form. Respecting influences of the environment which directly relate to primal definition and discoloration of next layers. At the same time through a continuous process of memory and with applying feedback. Automated systems mediate the interaction between inputs and outputs, taking place between real time facts and passed events, between places and situations.

Dynamic Resolution

   In distribution of data there is one possible way to focus on the major dynamic changes. The values ​​measured in the environment are relatively stable. If you omit the temperature and light intensity, such as moisture and gases of common values ​​are relatively stable. In contrast, the situation is changing rapidly in alternation of interior and exterior space. Significant dynamic measurements were recorded in smoky rooms, kitchens or small unventilated rooms or in extreme situations like polluted workshops, factory halls etc. Calibration of used very basic industrial sensors gives quite interesting results. Through analysis and calibration of data is possible to identify a specific category. Classify the correlation between measurements, assigning them parameters and determine the category can hypothetically range the environment. It is more or less impossible to determine in what environment the CA is located. (But respectively, we can consider about the imaginary environment with specific properties.) And for reflection and basic information about the immediate environment it can be sufficient. Dynamic changes then start capturing video and audio. The intensity and duration is also based by caused changes and degree of modifications.


   All data are also evaluated and the recording system, which is by no means random, is by return evaluated and modified. For example: CA studies the "quality" of their environment of its user. Watching extreme, static and significant changes, stagnation in the measured values. Their analysis then subsequently decide at what intervals the camera starts again. In a way we can demonstrate this principle as an enter to privacy. Camera Altera's system is very critical of the strong and enduring values (certain moments in certain environment), which cause subsequently re-recording and commenting / reflecting. The measured values ​​are still confronted with the default settings, kind of "ideal" situations when a person is located in the environment in "perfect" conditions. Even if this setting is of course entirely relative, it represents an utopian idea of an ideal environment that celebrates health and body etc. Even according to historical links of devices / miraculous magic boxes / mysterious machines and tools with unanticipated possibilities. Camera Altera can therefore speak wisely to its users, highlighting the wrong lifestyle, situations that lead to falls of life and overall physical collapse. The artist, for whom this tool is primarily intended, certainly belongs to a risk group in this context.

   Camera Altera is a long term project. In several developmental stages it will form to several outputs. As it was already mentioned, it is not only a sensory audio-visual tool. An important factor is that Camera Altera is a personal tool. User, utilizes and creates a special relationship to it. Then it becomes part of his environment. Its consequences is changing then. Sketchy recordings of the day, stored in a "magic box, acquire another dimension. Ideally Camera Altera makes evening screeningsthrough a small hole or night whispers ambient broadcasting. The profile itself depends primarily on how the Camera Altera is used, in which creative potential and gaining importance.

The project is implemented within SGS Grant - to support projects specific academic research and in the study Center of Audiovisual Studies at FAMU at within the frame of TIK project coordinated by OKNO.